Senior Travel Buddies (STB)
Member Benefits
With our new subscription site, you’ll find many benefits that will enhance your travel experiences!
- A monthly newsletter chock full of travel advice, travel deals, and more ways to safely connect with other travelers.
- Access to all articles, blogs, and videos on the STB site.
- Access to trips posted by others and the ability to respond to those posts.
- The ability to post your own trips.
- Access to all member profiles.
- The ability to communicate with other members in a safe environment.
- Access to Your Matches, our unique feature that lets you find those members most likely to be compatible travel companions for you.
- To be part of a growing community of travel-minded seniors anxious to begin their next adventure.
- Access to specially selected travel deals and coupons.
- Access to STB-exclusive tours to the locations you request.
- Access to all new features as they are added to the website.
All this on special for just $7.95 a month, or $79 a year!